Motel property

Motel property
This photo was taken from across the street.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Summer is finally here. Those of us in southern Colorado got a little roughed up by Old Man Winter this year. I have two sun flower seeds that have sprouted. My sour cherry tree has finished blooming and I planted a yellow tomato plant. In years passed I haven't been able to get the tomato plant to bear fruit. It never stays warm long enough. I'll try again!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Summer is almost here

Hello - Ah, summer is almost here. It's been a rough winter here in southern Colorado. The tulips are ready to bloom, the cherry tree has buds on it and the grass is turning green. Join us at the Circle R Motel for Fib Ark Father's Day weekend. This is a wonderful event and the town will be buzzing with activity. Check out other events at and plan on staying with us.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Year

Ah, a new year and a new decade. Skiing conditions are great at Monarch Ski Resort. Crowds are all gone so now's the time to come on over and brush up on your skills. Thinking about summer already - we had a guy call the other day for reservations in September 2010 - come on over and go ATVing or rafting... Summer is a beautiful time of year here in southern Colorado. Check out my fan page on Facebook - just type in circlermotel. I'll be posting discounts on there for lodging from time to time.

That's it for now.